The Big Ethno Geographical Dictation 2024 Experience And Impressions

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Международная просветительская акция состоялась сегодня - «Большой этнографический диктант–2024
Международная просветительская акция состоялась сегодня - «Большой этнографический диктант–2024 from

The Big Ethno-Geographical Dictation - 2024: Experience and Impressions

A large-scale educational event took place today - "Big Ethno-Geographical Dictation - 2024"

For the eighth time, our country has become the largest platform for writing a fascinating test on the knowledge of the ethno-geography of Russia

The Big Ethno-Geographical Dictation is the largest international educational project aimed at increasing the level of geographical literacy and strengthening the unity of the multinational Russian state.

The event was held on a large scale: in all regions of Russia and more than 100 countries of the world.

The dictation was written by representatives of all ages, from schoolchildren to pensioners. The geography of the participants is extensive: from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from the Arctic to the Crimea.

The composition of the dictation

The tasks were divided into three levels of difficulty: basic, advanced and expert.

In the basic level, questions checked the basic knowledge of ethno-geography, for example, about the largest ethnic groups in Russia or the names of traditional crafts of different peoples.

In the advanced level, the tasks were more difficult. Participants were asked to identify objects from photographs, decipher the meanings of ethnographic concepts, and give examples of intangible cultural heritage.

The expert level included complex questions related to the historical and modern aspects of the ethno-geography of Russia.